Battlestar Galactica Online Based on the internationally popular Syfy television series produced by Universal Cable Productions, Battlestar Galactica Online – which recently celebrated its one-year anniversary with over 10 million registered users – is a free-to-play, browser-based space combat MMOG that combines high-quality, 3D graphics with intense gameplay. Battlestar Galactica Online is licensed through Universal Partnerships & Licensing on behalf of NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group. Join the space battling war for galactic supremacy. Which side will you choose - Human or Cylon? The choice is yours with Battlestar Galactica Online: the free-to-play, browser-based MMO by BigPoint. Immerse yourself within the exciting universe of the hit re-imagined series from Syfy. Interact with your favorite key characters, complete challenging missions from your commanding officers, and fly a Colonial Viper or Cylon Raider - or command ships never seen before no...
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